Thursday, April 7, 2011

W2 Members' Film + Music Nite

As the W2 community arts society gets ready to open the new community media arts cafe at Woodward's, they are taking a look back at where we came from threw film, words and music. If you've been to the temporary W2 spaces in the past and want to learn more about what W2 has planned for the future you can get connected, learn about the history and volunteer as W2 builds a collective future!

If you are interesting in getting connected Friday's movie night is the perfect time to come down and see what you can offer the community. There will be sign up sheets for the following categories;
  • Communications (Street Team, Digital Media, Video)
  • Fund Raising (Programing and capital projects)
  • Finance (Advisers, Cafe Social Enterprise)
  • Technical (Set ups and take downs, Live trouble shooting, Staffing during events)
  • Education (Advisers on various educational projects, Summer Camp, Media Labs)
  • Warehouse Show Working Group
  • W2 Media Cafe Working Group
A preview of the night...
'With Glowing Hearts' is a feature film about W2, the DTES, 2010 Olympics & Social Media. It followed W2's development for over a year to make this documentary.

'Woodsquat' - where did all this project begin you ask?

Find more videos like this on W2: Community Media Arts Vancouver BC

Friday April 8th
8pm-10pm W2 history and get connected with movies, chatting and enjoy complimentary drinks and hors d'oeuvres
11pm-3am After Party
Rapid Fire Records presents:
A F T E R - P A R T Y P R O G R A M >>> 11pm-3am
$5 at door (for those arriving after 11pm)
Pari Kishi
The PhonoGraff
Kaglar Omega
Elonious Funk
produced in association with Rapid Fire Records

ONLY $2 entry for members, $5 for friends/public.

Learn more and rsvp by going to the Face Book event.

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