Monday, January 18, 2010

Lofty Goal

The recent disaster in Haiti has got me thinking about donating a percentage of my sales to a worthy cause. Sadly, until I increase my sales, I am not in a position to make cash donations. I am only just starting to make ends meet myself.

So that brings me to my goal. I plan on working very hard to boost my sales and market like mad so that in the end I can not only make more money, but do some good in the world.

When (and if) my sales boost or become steady I will hold a promotion every year where 5$ from each sale will be donated. I was thinking if I donated to a breast cancer awareness charity I could hold the sale during breast cancer awareness month. Or, on Mother's day, I could donate to a young mother's shelter. Maybe it would change every year... we will see. I think it would also be really great if I could just spend the money on food for the food bank. Healthy stuff of course!

If you had the chance to donate to any cause you could what would you donate to?


  1. I think that's an awesome goal! For me, I'd probably donate to either the American Heart Association, breast cancer, Alzheimer's, the Red Cross - I have a lot of good causes I'm interested in, so it's hard to pick!

  2. I think this such a great goal! I also like the idea of mixing up your charity of choice. There's so many people out there doing such much good work.

  3. Thats a very generous goal. There are so many ways to help our communities.

  4. This is a lovely goal, Zoe. Well done! This post will tell you a little about my cause...

    Maybe we can share tips as we go? Good luck x


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