Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 Corners Of Fall

Lets have a vote...
What corner of fall do you like the most. I am torn between all of them. They are all some of my favourite colours that I like to work with most and wear most!! If I had to pick I think I would pick... corner #2 and #4.

What is your favourite?


  1. I like #1 and #3, both have such beautiful colors!

  2. oh thank you so much for featuring my earrings! You have a great eye for composition.

  3. I was going to make my first attempt at putting these items in a treasury... but i missed it and thought I might as well share them here for now! 18 hours till the next opening!

  4. Beautifully curated! Thank you so much for featuring my "Hysteric" necklace! I think this is officially my first blog mention where the person didn't already know me!

  5. Those are really pretty and different "corners". Tough decision, but, I would have to go with number 1.

  6. These are all gorgeous! However, I love the color blue so number 1 is my favorite!

  7. looks like #1 is popular!!! I like it too! I have always been drawn to those colours!

  8. Wow! Your blog is fantastic! Thank you or featuring "We Flourish". Very nice curation :)


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